PF transfer online | EPF transfer and withdrawal process UAN

You can now check EPF transfer online process. In this article, you will learn PF tracking procedure also. Because we mentioned process for how to apply online and offline for PF transfer withdrawals. Even different PF withdrawals forms are listed here. In fact, you will know how to check PF status online through UAN. Finally, keep reading to know PF account transfer or withdrawal which is better.

What are EPF transfer rules and PF withdrawal rules?

  • We use Form 13 PF transfer form online to transfer PF amount from one account to another EPF account
  • You can transfer PF amount to your EPF account only
  • Remember employer’s and EPFO’s approval is mandatory for pf transfer process
  • EPF members or EPF account holders must transfer complete amount from one account to another EPF account
  • After you select EPF transfer process, your old PF account will be closed
  • In addition, authorities transfer EPF pension amount and PF balance to your new account
  • However, details of PF account member must be same
  • Here, details mean name, father’s name, date of birth etc

What is EPF offline transfer procedure?

In case you wish to transfer PF amount offline then you can do so. You must first get PF transfer form. To get EPF transfer form, go to From official website, get EPF form transfer Form no. 13. Next fill required details clearly. Submit transfer form of PF to your present employer.

After this, employer requests EPFO, the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation. Moreover, EPFO team will send documents to your previous employer. You must wait till your previous employer approves these documents. After approval, PF amount gets transferred to your new EPF account.

Hence in short, transferring PF from one account to new account is a 5 step process. Read on to know more –

PF transfer withdrawal form a Present employer a EPFO a Previous employer a Successful or deny.

PF transfer withdrawal rules in India without involving employer

Now you can select PF transfer withdrawal form option and not involve employer. But for this Activation of UAN number is necessary. It is better that you update PAN card, Aadhaar card details. Also, do not forget to include bank details such as IFSC code.

With UAN and Aadhar card, employees can apply online for PF transfer withdrawals. You can check for PF withdrawal form PDF format.

Methods to transfer EPF balance

There are 4 methods for making EPF transfer process successful. Read on to know more about PF claim transfer portal.

  • Select offline transfer when given details do not match between old and new account
  • EPFO UAN login transfer or EPF UAN transfer. Transferring provident fund is possible only when you have UAN number. And when details match in all PF forms
  • Online transfer of PF at OTCP portal. OTCP means Online Transfer Claim Portal. At OTCP details should be same. Additionally, digital signature of employer is necessary
  • Employee must have only one UAN and Aadhar number seeded. This will help you to have multiple EPF accounts in one EPF account

If you are looking for PF transfer portal then click on à This link will take you to official OTCP portal. On the other hand, now you can check EPF claims online by PF number. To check PF claim process, read EPFO-UAN login process.

List of EPF withdrawal forms

  • You can use EPF form 14 to pay LIC Premium from your EPF balance
  • EPF withdrawal form 31 helps you to withdraw some amount from EPF fund
  • PF pension form 10c or PF withdrawal form 10c is useful for people who did not cross 58 years of age
  • Finally, PF pension form 10D or PF withdrawal form 10 D is for getting monthly pension. This form is for people who crossed 58 years of age
  • PF withdrawal form 19 is to withdraw fund from EPF balance. Withdrawal benefits of PF will add after 10 years of service
  • You may use PF withdrawal form 20 when EPFO member passed away.

Points to remember

You must select PF account transfer or withdrawal online option after 36 months or 3 years. As interest is not added to your provident fund balance account. Also remember EPF form 19 depends on your service. Almost all withdrawal and transfer forms of PF depend on years of service. Furthermore, you can check PF withdrawal through UAN portal.

EPF withdrawal online and offline process

We should understand that UAN number helps us to update our details. In addition, UAN number will have all your provident fund accounts under one number. EPFO-UAN members can update KYC details. These details include PAN card, Aadhar card etc. Even checking PF balance status or get UAN passbook is easy by UAN number.

Online PF withdrawal procedure and offline EPF withdrawal process


  • If you select PF withdrawal online process, go to àemployees à OTCP/online claim transfer portal à Login or Register here
  • Next you must fill withdrawal form of PF
  • This form will check EPF withdrawal eligibility
  • You should enter bank account details, employer details, EPFO member details etc
  • Get this form to use it offline
  • This PF withdrawal request will go to Employer and the Regional EPFO office
  • Employer first verifies employee details
  • Later EPFO will process PF withdrawal claim form
  • However, remember that HR of your company must go to EPFO employer login portal to approve pf claim process

It would take 3 to 4 weeks to complete EPFO withdrawal process. You may even check EPF withdrawal status online at Or look for PF status balance check through UAN or PF status app. Moreover, EPFO allows for PF status by SMS also.

Hence you now know about PF account transfer or withdrawal which is better. Therefore, just go ahead and follow instructions for PF transfer process online. This way you will be able to go to EPF transfer login page.

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